Bob Alton greeting Bud Case for ride and celebration of Bob Jacksons 90th birthday

Bob Jackson PT 181 and daughter |

Bud PT168 and Bob PT181 |

Richard Morris and Jan Wojciechowski with Thompsons and carbine |

The Jackson group in similar photo pose from WW2 |

The birthday cake |

Bob Alton presenting gifts to Bob |

New Jetboat dinner tables and photo wall inside tent |

Bob Day working on pier fence |

Bob Barnam finishing new Wardroom ladder |

Bob Cravens, David Mackay and Paul Hanson finish work and install trigger assembly on twin 50's

Welcoming bench at boat house entrance in honor of Dick Lowe |

Plaque |

Mark Wolf laying on his creation |

On the Columbia on our way to St. Helens 7-25-2014 |

Escort boat |

Warrior point lighthouse with water reception to St. Helens

Touring guests on the boat |

From Sternwheeler |

Maury Hooper's guests |

Water ski show |

PT table at Saturday night banquet |

Maury Hooper, Chuck and Trish Kellogg and Richard Morris |

Daphne and Bill Weaver with an empty case of wine |

Two young tourists |

On way to Lake Oswego on 8--16-2014 |

Maury Hooper and Frank Lesage |

Passing Sternwheeler |

Skipper Lowell Gillespie with Frank Lesage and daughter-inlaw

Eileen and Wally Boerger at helm |

Wally Boerger, Maury Hooper Lake Oswego Mayor and Bob Alton |

Large group of tourists on board |

Bud Case getting ready for ride home |

Brenda & Steve Lichtenburger ... Brenda is Bob Hostetters daughter |

Korean war veterans from USS Shields DD-596 |

Crew gives a toast to Chuck Kellogg |


Chuck would have been happy to see the LCI 713 arrive next to PT658 as he had a lot to do with getting it here



Start of Chuck Kellogg service at Willamette National Cemetery with Dick Ackroyd playing the bagpipe
Capt. Paul Dombrowsky with naval honor guard |

Flag bearers |

Hearse arrival |

Flag draped coffin |

Family arrives |

Folding of flag |

Presentation to Trish Kellogg |

Officiant Eric Engleman |

Family with soloist Britnee Kellogg in background |

Some of about 400 cars with occupants in attendance |

Memory handout |

Our skipper on 9-25-14 trips Lowell Gillespie |

New dry dock for ocean liners in mid river going into Vigor shipyard |

Ken Nissen family in engine room tour |

Matt with father Frank Lesage in port 50 cal gun tub (his battle station during WW2) getting ready for a photo shoot

On the Columbia after the photo shoot going about 35 knots |

A special flag was flown on this trip

The group back at the boathouse |

Bill Weaver (center) with 2 Austin Healy club members touring the boat. 11/8/14 |
Two Austin Healy 3000's |

Support for center engine lift to repair framing under it |

Center engine disconnected and lifted off base |

Jim Mitchell with new compressor enclosure he created |

Ron Taylor and Bob Alton surveying raised center engine area |

Jim Lyons from Port Townsend Shipwrights receiving 'thank you' plaque from Bob Alton

The Group with Jim |

Bob and Jim surveying the center engine framing work area |

Ron Taylor and Jerry Gilmartin working on angle heading for new worm gear for rocket launchers |

New operating sink and stove done by Tom Cates and Jerry Gilmartin |

New galley storage bins done by Jerry Gilmartin |

Shelf under Exec's bunk done by Wally Boerger |

Pphaen Sayre Radioman 1/c PT Base 16 Zamboanga, P.I. burial at Willamette National Cemetery February 9, 2015


Folding of flag |

Presentation of flag |

Studebaker club tour on 2-21-2015 |

In 3D Red-L, Blue-R |

3D also |

Center engine framing ready for instalation |

Jin Lyons working on fitting center engine framing |

Framing mostly done |

Molly McCready and Jerry Gilmartin with new galley storage cabinet they created |

USN WW2 clock from RM 2/c Castro Base 11 Rendova in forward crew quarters |

Safety lantern under ladder in wardroom provided by Wally Boerger with mounting created by Tom Cates

Center engine framing work done by Tom Cates, Bob Herbst and Ron Taylor |

Ron Taylor, Tom Cates and Lowell Gillespie 'working' on modified outer drive shaft bearing supports under center engine |

The finished product required because of new framing under center engine |

Center engine being put back in place by Ron Taylor, Lowell Gillespie and Tom Cates 4-9-2015.

Coast Guard Crew touring

Paul Hanson repairing 40mm lift mechanism |

A Boy Scout group tours the boat |

The Corvair Club pays a visit |

T-bird club 5-9-15 |

3D Red-L Blue-R |

True Tour CEO and family at helm before photo shoot. |

SS 565 group for rides on 5-21-15 USS Wahoo |

Updated displays in forward crew quarters and chart room |

New elevation angle scales on rocket launchers provided thru Jerry Gilmartin