In The News . . . .

PT 658 Underway on the Willamette River in Portland, Oregon
September 21, 2004

The naysayers who claimed PT 658 would never be completed, much less leave a wide wake powered by three purring Packard's, were proven wrong today!! Under clear skies in 70 degree weather, the boat cleared the dock at the Swan Island Naval Training Center at 1300 hours. Bob Hostetter, former PT exec officer, stood at the helm as she headed out for the Willamette River. He later turned over the helm to former PT 231 Skipper, Ed Jepson. Also by the helm was former Skipper Russ Hamachek. For approximately 45 minutes we patrolled the river escorted by Portland Fire Boat 6. Aboard the 658 were the Save The PT Boat, Inc. crew members and a few Navy visitors.

Actually, this was the second trial run for the boat. The first occurred Monday, August 30, 2004, for a briefer period of time. Although a few minor problems emerged on both trips, the shakedown cruises were deemed successful.

We have great plans for the future to maintain the only remaining fully operational and authentic PT Boat. We look to your continued support. Remember, we are a non-profit organization and your gifts are deductible under 501 (c) (3). So, help us keep the old girl afloat, so that future generations will have a first-hand experience with a real World War II PT Boat, rather than a faded picture in a history book.

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