SUMMER - FALL - WINTER - PHOTOS 2018 - 2019.

Young Marines tour boat and LCI on 7-14-2018

Bob Day with Ron Taylor giving an overview

Idaho group for trip on 7-21-2018

Going under the St, Johns bridge at speed

The sternwheller was also on the river

Lunch after trip

Start of recovering the 'party barge'

Tom Cates with Bob Herbst working on storage area on pier for engines etc.

Bob Day and Dick Sleater accepting check of $1000 from Anna LaPointe of the Eagle scout alumni group of the BSA on 8-11-2018

Bob talking to group

The scholarship winner Dawson Durig addressing the group

The group

Our skipper Lowell Gillespie goofing off on the bridge

Couple viewing museum before start of trip to Lake Oswego for car and boat show 8-18-2018

After going under the Fremont bridge

Sternwheller getting ready for a trip

A wedding party that toured the boat before the event

Joanne and Frank Lesage with Jeanette Heinz and Richard Morris at boat dinner at LO Heritage house

Boy scout troup on trip back to Swan Island

Skipper Richard Morris at the helm departing LO dock

Portland Spirt passing near the Ross Island bridge

Bryant Larson's son points to John Chester's name on the memorial board. John had serial number 120764 and Bryant had 120763 so Bryant became Skipper of PT109 and John Exec, but was transfered to PT44 where he died in combat.

USS Swardfish tour group on 9-7-2018

New landing for ramp on boathouse being prepared

Bob Barnum working on covering the 'party barge'.

Jan and Tom working on base for landing

Special ride done on 9-22-2018 for Alyce Guthrie Exec VP of PT Boats Inc.

Here flanked by Jerry Gilmartin and Bill Weaver

With Tom Cates, Ron Taylor and Bill

At the helm with Lowell Gillespie our skipper

With husband Tom and Bill

Ron Taylor at the helm

In the museum with sign relating to her father James 'Boats' Newberry PT155 and founder of PT Boats Inc.

World record small boat race driver Rob Garratano toured PT boat

The proper IFF destruction switch has been installed in wardroom by Jerry Gilmartin

Jim Waters working on new ramp landing on boathouse

Group moving ramp over to boathouse

The new covered and painted 'party barge'

Removing 4 torpedos and 40mm to store on 'party' barge to remove weight from the boat while on cradle 10-22-2018

Crew meeting before boat being put on cradle

The barge on its way to Vigor cranes with the help of Clark Caffall

The Vigor 200 ton cranes

Attached to cradle

Deck stripped PT658 arrives

Positioning the cradle properly under the boat

About to set down on barge

Bob Alton and Walt Haynes give Ellie Dellie an ear ring gift as a token of appreciation for serving a great lunch

Ron Moran and Clark enjoying lunch

Ellie modeling the ear rings which contain wood from the boat

Power washing bottom of boat as first thing done in cradle

The 'lift group' raising stern end of cradle 22" to allow removal of propeller shafts

Tom Cates with one of two 30ton jacks used to raise the cradle

Bob Herbst, Ron Taylor, Walt Haynes and Jack Coulter start removing damaged hull planks near the water line

Lowell Gillespie working on a spot he was involved with

Removing the port porpeller shaft with help from Sheffield Marine Propellers Inc.

The starboard propeller shaft being removed through hole cut in barge

The three shafts and two rudders removed

Tom Cates and others removing starboard exhaust

More work for Jim Lyons to start working on after the first of the new year

October 25, 2018 trip to place boat on cradle for winter work photos: Click here for details

September 22, 2018 trip for Alyce Guthrie photos: Click here for details

August 18, 2018 trip to Lake Oswego car and boat show photos: Click here for details

August 11, 2018 ride with Eagle scout alumni from Portland photos: Click here for details

8 ride with group from Idaho photos: Click here for details