Bob Alton greets VADM & Mrs. Richard Hunt, Commander of U.S. THIRD Fleet |

VADM Hunt greeting Dick Lowe |

Bob Alton explaining various parts of the boat |

John Akin with CDR Bosworth Commanding Officer of Navy Support Center in Portland

Bob Alton and Maury Hooper giving tour of crew quarters |

VADM Hunt with Thompson in wardroom |

Maury Hooper presenting PT658 pen to VADM Hunt |

Maury also presenting pens to RDML Jim Symonds and his relief RDML Biesel, commander of Navy Region Northwest


The group with 4 admirals |

Maury Hooper with RDML Symonds and aide. |

The group salutes the arrival of USS Bunker Hill (CG52) |


Carly Kellogg with her dad |

Rosearians greet the arrival of boat to Rose Festival |

Molly McCready and Dick Lowe prepare for admirals reception |


General John McMahon at the helm |

Maury Hooper and John Akin with General McMahon and wife |

Maury Hooper with CDR Bosworth and family |

Maury Hooper and Jerry Gilmartin greet CAPT Dominic DeScisciolo of USS Bunker Hill

CAPT DeScisciolo with Thompson in wardroom |

Maury Hooper presenting pen |

Bob Alton presenting George Adams a pen for electrical work done to our boat house