Wally Boerger with channel 2 news crew before departure on pier |

The barge and boat being moved out of Naval Reserve location to Vigor cranes across the lagoon

The barge and boat with cradle being towed by Clark Cafel and his crew

A Mark 13 torpedo being reinstalled starboard forward |

The last torpedo being installed aft rear by Bob Herbst, Rob Parks and others |

The Bofors 40mm gun being reinstalled on new mount obtained by Rob Parks |

The Campbell Crane spreader bar and cables being attached to cradle |

Being lifted off barge and into the water. |

The cradle back on the barge with the? cranes provided by Vigor Inc. |

The boat returning to new location on south end of lagoon side of Vigor property

The barge in its place next to boathouse in the lagoon

Boat in the boathouse with all pumps running |

Wally Boerger on 6 pm news about event |

The pier shed being removed at the Naval Reserve base |



The gangway attached at Vigor |

Roof damage from Sept 28 storm |


Robert Hart Motor Mac 1/c PT176 Ron 11 led by #1 of 11 of 12 children from Colorado riding on boat 10-10-13

Receiving plaque from Frank Lesage |

With handshake |

Robert donating PT items to Save The PT Boat inc |

Starting port engine with 'Bubba' Conway looking on

At the helm with another son |

Robert and Frank discussing old times |

Returning to Portland Spirit dock |

Roof repair in progress

Barbra Brunkow and Chuck Kellogg Oct 17,2013

Ken Austin

Steven Day |

Keith Martin |

Mlian Jewell and Bob Herbst |

The roof repaired

Bob Alton presenting plaque to Portland Fire Dept. for help provided

Chuck Kellogg and Bob Alton presenting plaques to U.S, Coast Guard for help provided

Aft tank and crew quarters floor and wood work done by Bob Barnam from plans |



Hostess Linda Alton with guests Margie Sleeter and Barbra Brunkow at Christmas PT party |

Fred Juras and Bill Weaver with wife Daphne |

Jason Lobo and Bob Day |

Host Bob Alton |

USCGC Bertholf WMSL-750 in drydock at Vigor shipyard providing tour |

PT tour group on bridge Bob Barnum, Jerry Gilmartin, Bob Alton, Fred Juras, Jan Wojciechowski, Tom Cates and XO of Coast Guard Base Portland USCG CDR Williamson

Board meeting held 1-16-2014? being led by Bob Alton

All attendees |

Group visiting Dick Lowe after board meeting 2-27-14. Beaty Lay, Jerry Gilmartin, Molly Gunderson, Dick Lowe and Maury Hooper |
Bob Barnum with one of two lockers made for rear crew quarters

Ron Taylor working on Wally Boergers rocket bank |

?New shelves in forward crew and officers quarters created and finished by Wally Boerger and Jerry Gilmartin


Group including Frank Lesage on right at Dick Lowe's funeral? |

?At reception after ceremony

The grave site at Willamette National Cemitary

Presenting flag to Dicks son Fred
The family |

The bagpipe and honor guard |

A couple of photos taken Aug. 25 1945 of PT657 being loaded onto LST375. PT658 was on the same shipment. Photos provided by Chuck Fowler

Don Brandts funeral at Willamette National Cemetery with Jerry Gilmartin, Bob Alton and Barbra Brandt

Carol and Barbra

Carol and daughter |

Honor guard with flag |
The family and friends at flag folding ceremony |

Presenting of flag to Barbra |

New second story entrance door with entry platform |

Second story entrance door with stairs from barge |

Inside second story entrance and ramp |

New 60mm M2 mortar and base generously provided by Russell Whipple, Rick Larson, Wally Boerger, John Gillon, Jim Mitchell and Ron Taylor

Base to be painted and mounted starboard side of bow |

? Fred Juras, Chuck Kellogg and Bob Alton mount new National Historic Site plaque on starboard side of bridge


Wes Valpey working on lift raft |

New ARC4/RT19 radio acquired by Jerry Gilmartin |

Master Chief Jack Duncans (PT103) donated dress uniform

IFF ABK unit with code selector, control units and IFF destruct switch